Tell us your current delivery address
All of our course study materials are now sent directly to our students. That's why it's essential you keep your delivery information up to date, which you can now do in MyKaplan by following these simple steps:
- Visit and select 'Go to MyAccount' under Manage account
- Login
![Login MyKaplan Log in screenshot]()
- Update or add a new delivery address under the 'Addresses' menu on the left hand side
![Addresses MyKaplan addresses screenshot]()
To make your 'main address' your delivery address, all you need to do is:
- Select the tick option 'This is also my delivery address'
If you want a different delivery address to be used to your 'Main Address' that is showing:
- Deselect the tick option on 'This is also my delivery address' and it will give you a separate Delivery address box/option
![Edit main address MyKaplan edit address screenshot]()
If you’re enrolled on a classroom course, you have up until 3 weeks before the course starts to update your details in MyKaplan to ensure it gets to the right address.