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Student Code of Conduct

Purpose and scope

Kaplan is committed to creating an educational environment for its customers and staff which is safe and where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. All students should strive to achieve their study goals and take responsibility for their learning.

Kaplan aims for all students to have a successful and enjoyable time with Kaplan. We expect students to be responsible, respectful and engaged; helping to maintain a positive community experience.

The Code of Conduct outlines how we expect students to behave whilst on Kaplan premises in relation to Kaplan staff, students, agents and property and whilst learning online or communicating online with Kaplan staff and students.


Whilst it is not possible to lay down an exhaustive set of standards, detailed below are general examples which demonstrate the level of conduct Kaplan expects from students.

  1. Treat all Kaplan staff and fellow students, agents and others with respect.
  2. Demonstrate a positive attitude and commitment towards your studies.
  3. Practise and promote equality.
  4. Behave professionally, responsibly and safely at all times, both on Kaplan premises and in the local area.
  5. Switch off mobile phones and any other communicating devices when you are in a class, unless directed to use them by a tutor to participate in class quizzes.
  6. Take care of Kaplan equipment, resources, facilities and buildings.
  7. Follow the Kaplan Wi-Fi Policy, noting in particular that you must not use the Kaplan Wi-Fi to transmit or store improper or unlawful material. "Improper material" means any text, graphic, audiovisual visual, or aural material that is threatening, discriminatory, extremist or which has the potential to radicalise you or others.
  8. Attend all classes on time and stay for the entire duration of the session. The minimum attendance expectation is 90% for all classes. If you are ill or going to be away, you need to notify the tutor or Student Services.
  9. For apprentices: complete your off-the-job hours and learning journals every month. If after two consecutive months apprentices have not done this, it will be treated as a code of conduct issue as this is a breach of apprenticeship regulations.
  10. Have your camera on when taking part in live online teaching and apprenticeship skills development sessions.
  11. Keep your tutors informed of any difficulties you may have which affect your course, so that we can adequately support you.
  12. Ensure that all work is your own.
  13. Dress in a way that does not offend others. Hooded tops with the hood up and any form of headgear must not be worn in classrooms unless for medical or religious reasons.
  14. Dispose of litter responsibly by using bins located in every Kaplan classroom.
  15. Comply with the terms of your student visa, where applicable.
  16. Do not smoke on or immediately outside Kaplan premises.

Breaches of Kaplan's Code of Conduct

If a student fails to achieve the Kaplan expected standards of conduct, their behaviour may be addressed through the Student Disciplinary Procedure and apprentices’ employers could be notified.

Gross Misconduct

A serious breach of this code of conduct may constitute gross misconduct and could lead to a disciplinary interview being held and the student's exclusion from study with Kaplan without any warnings having been issued previously. For apprentices or sponsored students, this could lead to further disciplinary action being taken by your employer including dismissal.

Examples of what may be deemed to constitute gross misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Engaging in any extremist activity which has the potential to radicalise you or others.
  2. Bullying.
  3. Harassment.
  4. Discrimination.
  5. Sexual harassment and/or violence including student to student.
  6. Aggressive and threatening offensive behaviour or language.
  7. Fraud and deceit.
  8. Cheating and plagiarism, including using AI such as ChatGPT to generate an answer to an assessment or part of an assessment answer.
  9. Theft.
  10. Intentional or reckless damage to Kaplan property or student property.
  11. Serious misuse of Kaplan property or equipment.
  12. Material incapacity through alcohol or illegal drugs on Kaplan premises.
  13. A criminal offence.
  14. Breach of the Kaplan Wi-Fi Policy.
  15. Failure to meet student visa requirements.
  16. Smoking on Kaplan premises.

Third Party Notification

Kaplan reserves the right at any stage to inform the sponsoring employer, the relevant governing body and/or the Home Office (where applicable in relation to a breach of the student code of conduct or the disciplinary procedure).

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