What is changing?
We’re improving the look and feel, usability, and ability to interact with your Talent Coach through this upgrade. You’ll also be able to access your skills and behaviours training to help you whenever you need it.
What are the benefits?
We’re improving the look and feel of MyKapApp so that it is less cluttered and more inviting. At a glance, you’ll be able to see the overall progress of your apprenticeship, what’s due in the coming weeks, and any reviews planned with your Talent Coach.

You’ll also be able to:
- Choose to receive notifications when your Talent Coach has marked work or sent you a message.
- Message your Talent Coach directly from within the system.
- Clearly see on the home page the progress you are making towards your apprenticeship; what’s overdue and what’s next to do.
- Upload your work directly into the system and see documents which your Talent Coach has uploaded.
What will happen to the work I have already done?
The work you’ve already completed will still be there when the system is upgraded, and we will do detailed checks before we go live to make sure that’s the case.