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36 month Graduate programme

Level 4 Apprenticeship (AAT) – Professional Accounting Taxation Apprenticeship

24 month programme

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The Professional Accounting Taxation Technician Apprenticeship is a comprehensive programme lasting approximately 24 months. There are two phases of the Apprenticeship: On Programme Learning and End Point Assessment.

Phase 1

On programme learning

During the On Programme Learning, you’ll complete the AAT Professional Diploma in Accounting Level 4 and learn a range of Skills and Behaviours essential to success in an accounting role. These include professional scepticism, analysis, communication, ethics and integrity.

Phase 2

End point assessment

At the end of your Apprenticeship you’ll take an End Point Assessment (EPA) in which you’ll demonstrate everything you have learned over the course of your programme. The EPA consists of an assessment, a portfolio of evidence, and a written reflective statement.

This guide is designed to tell you everything you need to know about your Apprenticeship.

On programme learning

Three students listening and smiling

The on programme element will enable you to develop the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours set out in the Apprenticeship standard and prepare you to attempt the End Point Assessment.

It will include:

  • Completion of your relevant technical exams.
  • Work based professional development which will enable you to meet the requirements of the AAT.
  • Learning and development provided by Deloitte.
  • On the job experience.

Professional qualification

Female student working on laptop in coffee shop

You will start your qualification by completing four Level 3 exams, to prepare you for your Level 4 courses.

Then, to obtain the Level 4 Professional Diploma, you must successfully complete 3 mandatory units (detailed below) and 2 optional units determined by Deloitte, and pass a synoptic assessment.

The synoptic assessment also forms part of your End Point Assessment (which is described later in this guide).

Each paper is tested via a computer based exam involving multiple choice and written answers. Results are usually released within 6 weeks, and the pass mark is 70%.

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Female student working

Kaplan talent coach

You will be allocated a Kaplan Talent Coach whose role is to support and guide you throughout your programme and ensure you are prepared and ready for the End Point Assessment (EPA). At the start of your programme, you will have an “Kaplan Apprenticeship Induction Call” to explain more detail about the Apprenticeship. They will then work closely with you to support you in progressing through your Apprenticeship, in particular providing the support and guidance you’ll need to ensure you have every opportunity to apply your learning effectively in the workplace.

Formal interactions between you and your Kaplan Talent Coach will vary but as a minimum there will be structured ‘check-ins’ either Face to Face or via video conference every three months.

Early Careers Coach

Your Early Careers Coach (ECC) is an internal mentor who will play an integral role in your apprenticeship.

They will perform the following roles:

  • Provide mentoring and coaching to you throughout the programme, helping you to embed your learning in your day-to-day work and develop your skills.
  • Monitor your performance in professional exams and at college.
  • Attend formal meetings with you and your Kaplan Talent Coach at least once per quarter to discuss progress and development.
  • Support you in navigating current projects and clients to identify opportunities for skills and behavioural development.
  • Ensure compliance with your professional qualification requirements.


Your Kaplan tutors are industry experts and will support you with any part of your professional qualification.

Outside of the classroom we also have our dedicated Academic Support team to support with technical subject matter related queries. They can be contacted via Live Chat, Request a Call-back or email. Contact details for tutors and Academic Support will be provided through MyKaplan at the start of your course.

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)

If you require specific support due to a diagnosed condition Kaplan can support you with additional resources. If you need clarification on reasonable adjustments you may be eligible for or require support in your reasonable adjustment applications to any professional bodies for your exams, your Kaplan Talent Coach can put you in touch with our SENCo.


Online resources

Male student listening and smiling


Your qualification learning materials are all accessed through the MyKaplan portal. You will receive access to this through an email invitation, once you have been enrolled on your first course. You can access this system from work or home via your desktop, tablet or handheld device.

There are numerous resources you can access on MyKaplan, including:

  • Introduction to study guides
  • Course Materials
  • Recordings of your online lectures
  • Online tutorials breaking down the syllabus
  • E-Learning segments
  • Mini mock and full mock assessments
  • Exam and revision technique

Learning My Way - Skills, Behaviours and Personal Development Microsite

We’ve created a Google microsite specifically for our apprentices. It has a range of content and bite size learning, such as Ted Talks, topical articles, short videos and challenge activities covering a range of Skills and Behaviours related to your Apprenticeship Standard. Dip in and out of the site, and explore the additional topics we've curated for you on Embracing our Diversity, Sustainability and Democracy and our Society.

For more information, please see our Microsite For Level 2-4 Learning My Way and it's also located on MyKaplan for you.

Functional skills

Tutor explaining work to student

Functional Skills provide you with a qualification showing you have the skills and understanding of how to apply Level 2 Maths and English within daily life and work.

  • If you already have Maths and English GCSE grades A-C, 4 or above (or equivalent), you will be exempt from completing the Functional Skills qualifications. However, you must submit your certificates to your Kaplan Talent Coach within 6 weeks of starting your Apprenticeship, and you still must complete the initial and diagnostic assessment from our provider BKSB (see below for more details)

  • If you have not achieved a Maths and English GCSE or equivalent, or do not have the evidence to prove that you have passed them, you are required to complete the Functional Skills qualifications within the first 6 months of your programme. Your Talent coach will advise you to use the translation service if you have international certificates.

All apprentices are required to complete a Maths & English initial assessment (see Functional Skills, below). If it is identified that you require additional support we will provide you with relevant resources. This will be further discussed with your Talent Coach.

If you do need to achieve Functional Skills

After completing the your “Kaplan Apprenticeship Induction Call”:

  • You will be assigned study modules and be supported to achieve the functional skills qualification
  • You will be sent a mock exam to attempt after you have completed the study modules (it’s advisable these are sat under exam conditions)
  • Then after your mock has been marked and you are ready to sit the actual exam, your Kaplan Talent Coach will discuss dates and a suitable Kaplan venue where these can be taken.

The functional skills assessments are:

  • For English: a 70 minute English reading exam, an 80 minute English writing exam and an English speaking, listening and communication assessment for 30 minutes.
  • For Maths: a two-hour exam.

Points to watch out for

The initial and diagnostic assessment information you receive for Functional Skills will be automated by the provider (BKSB). This should be completed prior to your “Kaplan Apprenticeship Induction Call”. Please check your spam for any emails from BKSB that will be about English and Maths for your apprenticeship.

When you're using the BKSB site:

  • Under the option ‘Theme Settings’ you can change the size of the font that is displayed. It also provides the option to change the colour of the background and to change it to a light or dark setting.
  • When you have answered a question, the box at the bottom of the screen turns green. You can only submit your test at the end once all the boxes are green, so you have to include an answer for everything.

Your results will be with you within six weeks.

Off-the-job training

Female student working and writing in a notepad

As part of your Apprenticeship you will be given time to complete the required learning during working hours.

This time must equate to at least 20% of your working hours over the course of the Apprenticeship programme. This doesn’t mean it has to be one day a week and can be structured to suit the needs of your business area.

You will complete a number of mandatory internal training programmes at Deloitte whilst studying for your Apprenticeship. This training, along with other workplace activities will help you develop the relevant Skills and Behaviours, and will ensure you meet the 20% target.

What is OTJ training?

  • Teaching of the Knowledge of the professional qualification and technical elements of the Apprenticeship e.g. lectures, on-line learning, assignments
  • Developing practical Skills training e.g. shadowing, coaching sessions, developmental 1-to-1s, projects
  • Understanding and developing the Behaviours identified in the Apprenticeship, assignments, practical opportunities, on-line learning.

In essence it includes any form of training relevant to the apprenticeship standard which enables you to upskill and further develop in your role and future role. You must keep a log of this training activity through your OTJ Training Record (see below). We will require you to state how many hours you have spent on different study or workplace learning activities, etc, so we have a total number of OTJ learning hours, to meet government apprenticeship rules. So it is worth getting into the habit of doing this early.

Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours (KSB) tracker and Off-the-job (OTJ) Training Record

Throughout your Apprenticeship, you need to document your learning and development activities against your Apprenticeship Standard Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours. It is important to keep these documents up to date as you will need to record the time spent on these activities (in the OTJ Training record) and reflect on your technical knowledge, skills and behaviours (in the KSB tracker). This will also support you in compiling the evidence for your work-based portfolio at End-Point Assessment.

Your OTJ Training Record and KSB tracker should form the basis of your discussions with your Kaplan Talent Coach. A template will be provided as part of your “Kaplan Apprenticeship Induction Call” so you can start to record this straight away. You should only use the template provided by your Kaplan Talent coach.

AAT off the job training record screenshot knowledge skills behaviours tracker

End point assessment

Male and female students laughing

End Point Assessment (EPA) is the final stage of your Apprenticeship. It’s your opportunity to showcase all your learning through a formal assessment. You must pass your EPA to complete your programme and receive your Apprenticeship certificate.


Gateway takes place at the end of your Apprenticeship when all on-programme learning and training has been completed. It is at this point your Deloitte Coach and Kaplan Talent Coach (see below) make the decision as to whether you are ready to move forward to the EPA. A number of checks will be completed in order to determine and confirm that you are ready to start preparing for the EPA. These checks include making sure you have:

  • achieved the required hours relating to 20% Off the Job training
  • completed a signed off KSB tracker
  • completed your technical training in relation to your professional qualification
  • completed your Functional Skills requirements (or evidenced relevant exemptions) – see below for more detail on functional skills.

End-Point Assessment

There are three parts to the end-point assessment for this Apprenticeship:

1. Portfolio of evidence:

This will be used to demonstrate your competence in the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours element of your Apprenticeship, which have been gathered from practical experience in the workplace. Projects or work-based assignments, personal reports, minutes of meetings, action plans, progress reports, internal and external correspondence and responses to oral or written questions can be included in the portfolio.

2. Written reflective statement

It is important that all twelve learning outcomes detailed in the standard are referenced against evidence collected in your portfolio. In order to think and write reflectively, you must carefully consider what you’ve learned during your Apprenticeship. The reflective statement should be between 2,000 and 3,000 words.

If you prefer you can opt for a professional discussion, instead of a reflective statement, which will take approximately one hour and provide you with the opportunity to discuss your Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours gained throughout your programme with an Independent Assessor. It will be used to clarify points or discuss in more detail any evidence presented in your portfolio.

3. Synoptic assessment

An online assessment, giving you the opportunity to tackle a series of business-related tasks through simulation in line with typical role activities. The synoptic assessment is also part of the AAT Level 4 qualification and you’ll need to pass this to complete both the Apprenticeship and achieve your qualification.

The synoptic assessment is often referred to as PDSY and can only be taken once you have gone through Gateway and have sat all other exams - this must be at least 12 months after you started your programme. Your Kaplan Talent coach will book your advanced synoptic assessment for you when you are ready to take it.

Your Kaplan Talent Coach will be able to share more information with you on EPA as you move towards this stage of the programme.

Other considerations

Older student working on papers

Institute Requirements

In order to become a member of the AAT (MAAT), you will need to:

  1. Pass all the required exams as per the qualification
  2. Complete 6 months work experience in a chosen area of technical competence
  3. Obtain a professional reference to confirm your suitability as a member
  4. Sign the AAT’s declaration.


Your wellbeing is of immense importance to us at Kaplan, your Kaplan Talent Coach is on hand should you have any concerns during your learning journey. We also have a range of supportive resources for you to use on our microsites. We can sign-post you to a range of organisations that can provide you with additional support should you need anything.

Finally, if you are experiencing any significant stress or concern, please contact our confidential safeguarding email:

Career Information Advice and Guidance

Kaplan aims to support all its learners into meaningful careers, developing career-ready skills throughout their time with us. As professionals, it is also important to learn how to cope when something does not go to plan. If you find yourself in the position of needing careers advice, Kaplan offers a confidential and impartial service through our Careers Information, Advice and Guidance Google microsite for learners. Your Talent Coach may sign–post you to relevant resources on this site at different stages of your career journey however, we also hope that you use this site independently to grow in your career as and when you need it.

British Values

Your understanding of fundamental British Values will be developed as a requirement of the Apprenticeship.

These are defined as:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, and for those without faith.

This learning will be embedded into other elements of your programme and will be developed and reinforced through regular discussions on how they are linked to your workplace and life. This will ensure you fully understand the importance of these and their place in life in modern Britain.


The most common questions that we get asked.

Please email, and our support team will assist you in resetting your password.
Your Kaplan Talent Coach will contact you within the first 6 weeks of your Apprenticeship being accepted, if you need to speak to them sooner you can email, and they will supply you with contact details.
You will need to provide your Kaplan Talent Coach with evidence of your equivalent qualification, and they will check if it meets the requirements for an exemption. Also, you still must complete the initial and diagnostic assessment from our provider BKSB. Your Talent coach will advise you to use the translation service if you have international certificates.
Unless you are able to prove exemptions, you may be required to complete Functional Skills. Speak to your Kaplan Talent Coach to discuss your options.

If you wish to enquire about your Kaplan Apprenticeship programme please email

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