Our Oxford Brookes course complements your ACCA qualification, and allows you to gain the skills needed to apply your ACCA knowledge to a real life situation. But what makes our delivery of the course so much better than the competition?
Firstly, what is the ACCA/Oxford Brookes BSc in Applied Accounting?
Completing the ACCA/Oxford Brookes BSc in Applied Accounting gives you the opportunity to gain a degree from a respected university. Oxford Brookes was founded over 150 years ago and is one of the UK’s top 50 universities. The degree is a great way of making your CV stand out from the crowd and showing employers that you are hard-working and motivated in your studies.
To complete the degree you need to pass the Research and Analysis Project (RAP) part of your ACCA qualification. This consists of a 7500 word Research Report and a 2000 Skills and Learning Statement. Oxford Brookes also requires you to have 3 meetings with a registered mentor while you are working on the RAP.
So, what makes our course delivery so special?
Great mentors
The mentors here at Kaplan have all completed the Oxford Brookes Online Mentoring training course and are all tutors in Accounting qualifications at Kaplan, meaning they bring a wealth of teaching experience and expertise to your mentoring journey. All of us have taught in an online environment and are highly experienced in running online sessions effectively.
Your mentor will guide you through the Research and Analysis Project, acting as a “critical friend”. This means that your Kaplan mentor isn’t expected by Oxford Brookes University to be an expert in the topic you have chosen, but will question you on your approach and challenge your thought process.
A common question you will be asked to discuss in your first meeting is “Why have you chosen this topic title?”. Answering this question will enable you and your mentor to determine whether the topic is suitable for you personally to pursue.
If you have a robust reason for choosing a topic title - for example, if it’s of personal interest or you have existing skills in this area - you will be highly motivated to complete the project and it will retain your interest.
Talking through your ideas in this way enables you to develop the communication skills you need for the workplace. Justifying an approach and being able to weigh up the pros and cons of a technique is a skill you will need throughout your professional career. The meetings with your Kaplan mentor will give you the confidence to apply this skill to the workplace.
“I chose Kaplan first of all because of its quality. I’d read a lot of testimonials on the web page. I also chose it because of the mentors, I found a lot of them in the approved list, provided by the University.”
The flexibility of the courses
The Kaplan ACCA/Oxford Brookes BSc (Hons) in Applied Accounting course is a completely flexible online course. Our learning platform includes Kaplan’s Project Guide in an e-book format and there are recorded videocasts to watch before each of your 3 mentor meetings. This is to help you keep on track of the work you need to complete and to explain the graduate skills you need to demonstrate for success in your RAP.
You can access the course wherever you are to make it easy to keep on top of your project work and adaptable to suit your lifestyle.
The course starts with a live welcome session for the whole cohort via Zoom so you can ask any initial queries you may have about how to choose your project topic and organisation. This welcome session talks you through the Kaplan course content and also looks at how to prepare for the first mentor meeting to ensure you get the most out of this.
Your three mentor meetings will all then take place on a one to one basis with your mentor via Zoom at a time to suit both you and your mentor . This means you really can complete the RAP with Kaplan wherever you are based in the world - all you need is a good internet connection - and can book these in at a convenient time - e.g during your lunch break.
As the mentor meetings are all on a one to one basis, you will be able to ask your mentor any queries you have at each stage of your project to ensure you can move forwards with your work
Remote learning, but still interactive
To complete your RAP you are also required to make a presentation on your project work to your mentor via Zoom. As part of your Kaplan course you are invited to view the live presentations of all students in your cohort, and they can also choose to attend your presentation. This means that you get the experience of presenting online to a group of people - a skill much valued by employers in the current work environment.
Viewers are able to ask you questions and give you feedback about your presentation - again giving you invaluable experience in answering questions confidently. Similarly, you also get the opportunity to provide feedback to other students on their presentation.
Finally, you will also be granted access to Dublin Business School's ebook platform, VLebooks which you can use to access textbooks and articles relevant to your project. This is a great resource for you to use to get your research started.