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Meet our Kaplan tutors

At Kaplan, we pride ourselves on having some of the best tutors in the industry. We know tutors play a vital role in improving your learning experience - whether that’s teaching in the classroom, teaching in-front of a camera, or being available to talk to when you’re stuck.

So we wanted you to meet some of our tutors to find out who they are, their experience as tutors and hear some of their best pieces of advice for students.

Get to know some of our tutors as we ask them why they got into teaching, why they chose Kaplan and what’s the strangest thing they’ve seen in class...

The importance of tutors in learning

Find out what makes a good tutor, what their most memorable piece of advice is and how they find teaching in-front of a camera.

Study advice from our tutors

The last video in the series is all about advice and study tips. A must see for all students - especially if you’re about to sit an exam!

If you’d like to find out more about studying with Kaplan, give our friendly student advisors a call on 0161 951 5371 or email us at


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Meet our Kaplan tutors

At Kaplan, we pride ourselves on having some of the best tutors in the industry. We know tutors play a vital role in improving your learning experience - whether that’s teaching in the classroom, teaching in-front of a camera, or being available to talk to when you’re stuck.

So we wanted you to meet some of our tutors to find out who they are, their experience as tutors and hear some of their best pieces of advice for students.

Get to know some of our tutors as we ask them why they got into teaching, why they chose Kaplan and what’s the strangest thing they’ve seen in class...

The importance of tutors in learning

Find out what makes a good tutor, what their most memorable piece of advice is and how they find teaching in-front of a camera.

Study advice from our tutors

The last video in the series is all about advice and study tips. A must see for all students - especially if you’re about to sit an exam!

If you’d like to find out more about studying with Kaplan, give our friendly student advisors a call on 0161 951 5371 or email us at


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From beauty to balance sheets: Emily's career change

The twelfth episode of Career Goals is here and features unique career changer, Kaplan apprentice, and social media ambassador, Emily Gough.

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Online learning: ALN, AI, and blended learning

Online learning: ALN, AI, and blended learning

This episode of our Learn Better podcast features guest, Dr. Cristi Ford - the Vice President of Academic Affairs at D2L.

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How to tell a good story with financial modelling

Financial modelling allows you to tell a story and transform simple digits into insights and predictions. Here’s everything you need to know.

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