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Articles tagged

Learn Better Series

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Learn Better series text with brain icon

What is Neurodiversity? A focus on dyslexia

We hear the term Neurodiversity often, but what does it actually mean for learners? Kaplan’s Head of Learning, Stuart Pedley-Smith talks about dyslexia and how some people will learn differently to others.

Stuart Pedley-Smith

2020 SPS Learn Better Learn By Teaching

Learn better, by teaching

Understanding how the brain works can help you improve your grades in any exam. There’s a clear advantage to knowing why something works, and why you’re learning.


Stuart Pedley Smith - Kaplan's Head of Learning

How to make boring subjects, interesting

When we think something’s ‘boring’ we struggle to engage with it. With accountancy, as with any study subject, some areas are perceived as more ‘interesting’ than others. But what if we could blur the lines between boring and interesting?

Stuart Pedley-Smith

Stuart Pedley Smith - Kaplan Head of Learning

Exam resits - get back on that horse

Failing exams is a fact of life. In the exam world, we follow failure with a resit. But what should happen between failure and sitting the new exam? How can we best study for an exam we’ve already sat?

Stuart Pedley-Smith

Learn better series

Learning, self control and marshmallows

Children who demonstrate self-discipline gain higher marks in school, have better social and cognitive skills, greater self-awareness and cope with stress more easily in later life.

Stuart Pedley-Smith

2020 SPS Learn Better Learning Brain

Understand how your brain learns

Understanding how the brain works can help you improve your grades in any exam. There’s a clear advantage to knowing why something works, and why you’re learning.
