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ACA school leaver options

Learners don’t need to go to university to become ACA qualified. As long as they have A-levels or international equivalent, they can start on one of three pathways and qualify as a Chartered Accountant.

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Pathways available

There are two qualification routes that Kaplan recommends for school leavers studying the ACA qualification:


Under this route school leavers can follow one of two pathways:

  • ACA Certificate: Day Release Programme

    The Day Release Programme is designed for those early in their career, who don’t want to stop working in order to complete the ACA Certificate. It allows you to take one or two days a week out of work to study ACA. You’ll complete the Certificate level after 12 months.

  • CFAB first

    Under this route school leavers complete the Certificate Level of the ACA qualification over an extended duration of twelve months before going on to complete the rest of the ACA qualification. CFAB can be completed on both an apprenticeship and fee paying basis.

AAT first

Under this route school leavers complete the majority of the AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting level, as well as the full AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting over a period of 24 months before moving on to complete the ACA qualification at the Professional level. The Certificate level will then be exempt.

Tablet showing a brochure titled Build a Market Leading ACA School Leaver Apprenticeship

Build a market leading ACA school leaver apprenticeship

This paper looks at Kaplan’s existing accountancy school leaver apprenticeship programmes, which often lead to the full ACA qualification, and how they will evolve to maintain Kaplan’s position as the market leader in school leaver apprenticeship programmes.

Read the guide

CFAB First

Our CFAB first approach is an extended four year pathway which has been designed to provide school leavers with the best in delivery and support.

Key features of the pathway

For school leavers, we recommend a day release approach to Certificate Level with school leavers attending one or two scheduled study days each week. We believe that the features gained by a move to a day-release approach will provide a series of learning benefits for our school leavers. A table of benefits is provided below. For more detail, please see our ‘Build a market leading ACA school leaver apprenticeship’ document which you can access above.

Pathway feature How does this help?
Spaced study days

Study Intensity -  The new structure provides reduced study intensity with greater consolidation time which is more akin to a school leaver’s previous study experience. By adopting this approach during the early phase of professional life it will ease the transition and provide a better platform for success.

Work Life Intensity - School leavers can find making the transition to working life a difficult one, with the working weeks proving to be long and demanding. By devoting one or two days per week to scheduled study, learners would initially benefit from a less intense and intimidating working week and enjoy the change of scenery that the study day/s would provide.

Well-being - Weekly study days will also provide a greater opportunity to use weekends to consolidate study. Blocked study courses necessitate a greater use of evening time to consolidate topics and complete testing. School leavers new to work can often find themselves exhausted in the evenings and the need to complete further study can adversely impact learner well-being. The spaced course structure also offers a greater opportunity to identify and support off track learners.

Outcomes & Attrition - This new spaced structure affords a greater period of time over which school leavers can spread their study with the first exam not being attempted until three months of employment have elapsed. Having this fixed routine will help learners to manage their approach to study and the real exam as they will have a clear understanding of what is needed at each stage of their course.

Best Practice -  The proposed course structure also fits structurally with apprenticeship best practice, namely:

  • Clearly demarcated study time
  • First professional exam taken after at least three months on programme to allow school leavers to adjust to the workplace and study
  • Focus on well-being and work/life balance
  • One or two set days study leave per week - a feature of multiple top ‘rate my apprenticeship’ employers
Course Delivery

The first four papers on the pathway below would all be delivered via scheduled study dates which we would plan to deliver via Live Online. Live Online delivery will provide school leavers with a peer network that they can be a part of right throughout their first year of study. A supporting peer network is valuable to school leavers and this has been underlined by our best practice research.

Additional revision days

All Certificate Level subjects have scheduled revision days. Introducing these additional revision days will:

  • Bring consistency to course structures providing school leavers with a study routine
  • Help to bookend each course bringing together all of the topics studied over the previous weeks in readiness for the real exam
  • Help to improve school leaver exam performance

Pathway Map

The pathway map provides an indicative example for a September starter of the month in which each phase of study takes place. It is important to note that study duration does not last an entire month but is in line with the standard study durations outlined below.

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Year 1 ACC ACC and exam AS AS exam PTX PTX and exam MI MI and exam  Law or BTF Law or BTF exam Law or BTF Law or BTF exam
Year 2 FAR/AA - Tuition FAR/AA - Tuition FAR/AA - Tuition FAR/AA - Exam Prep TC/FM - Tuition TC/FM - Tuition TC/FM - Tuition TC/FM - Exam Prep
Year 3 BST/BPT - Tuition BST/BPT - Tuition BST/BPT - Tuition BST/BPT - Exam Prep CR/SBM - Tuition CR/SBM - Tuition CR/SBM - Tuition CR/SBM - Exam Prep
Year 4 ACS - Tuition ACS - Tuition ACS - Exam Prep

Pathway Key

 Live Online

Certificate Level study durations by paper

PaperDuration (days)
Management information5
Principles of Tax5


Please see our fee sheet below for details of relevant Live Online course fees for these day release courses.

SubjectCourse FeeICAEW MaterialsUK Postage FeeTotal exc VATTotal inc VAT
Management Information£523£34£6£563£668.80
Principles of Tax£523£34£6£563£668.80

Course dates

Our school leaver courses using this new Certificate Level structure will commence in September 2023. Final course dates to be confirmed in due course.


There is a choice of apprenticeship routes that can be used alongside this pathway:

Apprenticeship routeAdditional ConsiderationSuitability
CFAB under Level 4
Remainder of the ACA under Level 7
End Point Assessment required to be sat upon completion of the Certificate Level to complete Level 4 apprenticeship (not included in the pathway map above).If it is uncertain at the outset that the school leaver in question will complete the entire ACA qualification. If the school leaver does not then complete the remainder of the ACA qualification they will still have completed a stand alone Level 4 apprenticeship.
Entire ACA under Level 7 onlyNoneIf it is certain from the outset that the school leaver will complete the entire ACA. This approach is more efficient in that it avoids the need for the apprentice to complete two end point assessments.

View our national ACA course fee sheets

Download enrolment form (PDF)

AAT First

Our AAT first approach is a 4-5 year pathway designed to give the learner a deeper understanding of the early level content over an extended period of time.

Pathway Map

The pathway map provides an indicative example for a September starter of the month in which the majority of each phase of study takes place. It is important to note that study duration does not last an entire month but is in line with the standard study durations outlined in our published AAT timetables, and that some study weeks may overlap with other months not highlighted.

Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug
Year 3 Law FAR/AA
Year 4 BST/BP
Year 5 ACS

Pathway Key

Classroom course K Knowledge phase of course
Blended Classroom and Flexible Online course APP Application phase of course
Flexible Online EP Exam Preparation phase of course


The AAT first school leaver pathway is available in the following Kaplan centres (local timetables available on these pages):


There is a choice of apprenticeship routes that can be used alongside this pathway:

Apprenticeship routeAdditional ConsiderationSuitability
AAT under Level 4
Remainder of the ACA under Level 7
PDSY End Point Assessment required to be sat upon completion of the AAT Level 4 Diploma in Professional Accounting to complete Level 4 apprenticeship (not included in the pathway map above).Predominantly used If it is uncertain at the outset that the school leaver in question will complete the entire ACA qualification or not.

If it is felt that the learner would benefit from studying the lower levels over a longer period versus the CFAB route, then this route may be preferable.

If the school leaver does not complete the remainder of the ACA qualification they will still have completed a stand alone Level 4 apprenticeship.

View our national ACA course fee sheet

Download enrolment form (PDF)

Contact us

If you would like to discuss either of the pathways further then please contact our Client Service team on 0161 951 5486.

Kaplan is recognised as an ICAEW Partner in Learning, working with ICAEW in the professional development of learners.