In June 2022, we had a full Ofsted inspection, and while we had progressed in several areas, there were still improvements to be made, which resulted in a "requires improvement" grade. This result was incredibly disappointing, but since this took place, we have created a project team that is working on the remaining areas where Ofsted felt improvement was needed.
Read our report.
Ofsted took over responsibility for Level 7 apprenticeships (these had previously been covered by the
QAA (Quality Assurance Agency).
Ofsted amended the Education Inspection Framework which they use to assess all education establishments.
In October 2020 we had an interim visit focussed on how we were dealing with COVID which went well.
In August 2019 Ofsted came for a monitoring visit where they stated we had made reasonable or significant progress in all areas.
Until 2018 we were graded as “Good” by Ofsted for our apprenticeship delivery. The implementation of apprenticeship standards put apprenticeship processes we had in place under strain. In July 2018 Ofsted visited us again and at this visit we both agreed that there were some areas of our delivery that required improvement.
You can access all Kaplan’s Ofsted reports on the
Ofsted website.