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External standards

Our processes and programmes are scrutinised by external experts to ensure we operate to the highest standards. Attaining and retaining these external certifications also gives us constant feedback and the opportunity to continually improve.

We understand and comply with all our legal requirements, but there are a number of other areas we have identified as important to go above and beyond what is being done in our sector.

Two men and a woman having a meeting

Management standards

Man leading a meeting

Information security management

We take the responsibility to manage and protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your data very seriously. In order to reassure the effectiveness of our Information Security and Data Management program we maintain the following externally audited accreditation:

  • ISO/IEC 27001 - This is the world's best-known standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS).
  • Cyber Essentials Plus - This is the UK Government backed scheme that helps us protect against a range of common cyber threats and demonstrate your commitment to cyber security to external auditors.

Business continuity management

We are audited on an annual basis to ensure we are aligned with ISO 22301. We have won awards regarding our learner support during the COVID period.

Matrix accreditation

In November 2023, we achieved the Department for Education’s new Matrix accreditation following a week’s inspection. We have gained this for the high quality of our careers and information advice and guidance given to learners as well as our wellbeing support. Matrix is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver careers information, advice and/or guidance (CIAG).

Quality Assurance Agency rating

In recognition of the high quality standards we hold ourselves to, the Quality Assurance Agency awarded us with their highest rating in November 2023. In particular, they praised:

  • MyKaplan

    Our MyKaplan learning platform continues to be a strong asset, with recent enhancements that offer additional tools for professional development and essential skills. Students appreciate its flexibility and the effective hybrid learning model.
  • Teaching and Support Staff

    Our teaching and support staff are dedicated to providing effective learning experiences and personalised support. The expansion of our educational support team ensures that students receive the help they need.
  • Student Engagement

    Our governance structure, including the Apprenticeship Advisory Panel, ensures that student voices are heard and contribute to ongoing programme improvements.
  • Commitment to Quality

    We have introduced a new Quality Assurance Policy and initiatives like Project Compass to ensure continuous improvement in our educational offerings. Regular programme reviews and feedback from students inform our development efforts
  • Effective communication and support

    Kaplan is committed to using student feedback to enhance the learning experience. Our Talent Coaches provide tailored support, helping students succeed throughout their programmes.

A copy of the report can be found on the QAA website.



In October 2024, we had a full Ofsted inspection which resulted in a "Good" grade for overall effectiveness, and an "Outstanding" for Personal Development. This result reflects the improvements we have made as part of our Quality Improvement Plan.

The review covered over 8,000 apprentices in accountancy, tax, financial services, and data and technology from levels 2 to 7. Kaplan also provides a wide range of other courses. The report noted that “apprentices and employers value the knowledge and skills apprentices learn” which helps them “prepare for work and contribute to their organisations.”

Ofsted found Kaplan’s curriculum to be “logically ordered,” with a “calm and comfortable learning environment. The report praised Kaplan's approach, noting that “talent coaches work with employers to embed on and off the job training” and “tutors use teaching strategies effectively in well-organised sessions to help apprentices learn substantial new knowledge and skills.” It also recognised that “apprentices value their learning experience” and “become credible and competent professionals.”

Read our report

Kathy Walton

"We are extremely proud of this result and gratified that it reflects Kaplan’s strong commitment to placing learners at the forefront of our apprenticeship provision."

Our other areas of governance