Everything you need to succeed
Keep track of your progress
See all your courses in one place and jump straight to your content in a few clicks. Check your progress for each course and see what you've got left to complete. And remind yourself of important dates using the calendar so you can plan more effectively.
Broad range of structured content
Your MyKaplan content is instructionally designed and structured by our team of learning experts. It includes a variety of bite-sized videos, a calendar, online study resources, and practice questions depending on the course you are studying, in one virtual learning environment (VLE).
Need an answer instantly?
Contact a tutor directly using Live chat. You can also email them or request a call back. And check the subject forums for answers from tutors and fellow students. For tutor led programmes, ask a question of your tutor or peers in the Activity Feed* and access resources shared by your tutor such as class notes.
Submit your assessments online and see feedback
Complete practise assessments and get instant feedback. See how you've done by benchmarking against the class average. Easily upload your written assessments and see detailed feedback when they're marked.
Stay up to date with news and alerts
Get updates about your course, including new posts and responses in your course Activity Feed. See instantly when your assessments have been marked. And download the free app to get alerts straight to your phone.
*Although a large majority are, not every feature is available for every course. The Activity feed is only available for Live Online and Classroom Students. The Calendar is not applicable for some OnDemand, Distance Learning and Online courses (i.e. where the student has full flexibility on study times and there are no fixed mock or real exam dates). Live Chat is not available on some courses, including ATT, CTA, Banking & Finance, Technology & Analytics. Subject Forums and Request a call back are not available on some courses, including Banking & Finance, Technology & Analytics.