Student Charter
At Kaplan we want you to enjoy your studies. For our students we want you to pass your exams, and for our apprentices to develop the relevant knowledge, skills and behaviours to succeed in your chosen career, your end point assessment and successfully complete your apprenticeship.
In order for us to help you get the most out of your studies with Kaplan, to create a friendly study environment and for you to achieve your apprenticeship and/or qualification, we require you to adhere to the guidelines set out in this charter:
- Attend at least 90% of all your classes (live if learning online)
- Complete course tests/assessments/mocks and submit them on time (or as instructed by your tutor) to ensure that they are marked and to action any feedback provided by the marker
- Utilise the features and benefits, including online testing, provided on MyKaplan - our learning management system.
When in class or learning live online
- Ensure that you join your class at least 5 minutes before the class starts
- Play an active part in the session, by contributing in class or on the chat panel and making use of the open mic function wherever possible when online
- Give the session your full attention and resist any temptation to multi-task.
- We encourage you to switch your camera on if you are attending live online classes and during interactions with your talent coach if you’re an apprentice. Please ensure that you are dressed appropriately and that your background is suitable for others to view (or consider blurring).
- If in class, sign the attendance register at the beginning of each class. Registration is normally taken in the morning. Disciplinary action will be taken if a student signs the register for anyone other than themselves.
- Online registration of attendance is automatically done via Zoom.
Attendance and punctuality
- For any appointment at Kaplan, it’s important you’re punctual: just as if you were attending a work meeting.
- If you join a class late, this is disruptive and disrespectful for other members of your group. Latecomers to class may be asked to join the group at the next available break time and the register marked as late attendance. This applies to classroom and live online sessions.
- Advise Student Services and your tutor within 24 hours of a class if you are ill. If you are going to be off for 3 or more days you must inform Kaplan at the earliest opportunity.
- If you miss a class without exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness), then tutors cannot be expected to spend additional time going over work that has been missed.
- If you are in a class and don't understand something, then please reach out to your tutor who will be keen to assist you, potentially including offering to spend time outside the class helping you.
After class
- Reflect on what you have learnt in your session, and how you will apply that in the workplace.
- Undertake any additional work as directed by your tutor or listed within your course on MyKaplan.
- All assessments and mocks (as applicable per qualification/course) should be completed and submitted for marking within the deadlines provided. Scripts submitted after the deadline will not be marked .The more questions you attempt and the more practice and feedback you get, the better the chance of success.
- It is your responsibility to book and attempt exams relevant to all the papers/units/subjects studied. For apprentices, please speak with your Talent Coach or Student Services if you have any concerns.
Other information
- Your online access is personal to you and is not transferable to anyone else.
- Do not switch course groups or courses without agreeing in writing with Kaplan Student Services Team. If you switch groups or courses without the necessary permissions, then you will be marked as absent.
- If whilst attending a one to one session (e.g. with a talent coach or tutor) you feel uncomfortable at any time, please end the session and report the reasons for doing so to our Safeguarding team,
- Our programmes are delivered in a professional learning environment. We therefore require that you engage in a courteous, considerate and professional manner at all times when attending one of our Kaplan courses. If you do not uphold these standards of behaviour, then your employer may be informed and in serious cases, steps may be taken to remove you from your programme.
Please also refer to the Student Code of Conduct.
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