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From the British Army to a career in ICT: Peter Garrett's career change story

We recently spoke with Peter Garrett, who has recently completed his training at Kaplan in the Level 3 Information Communications Technician apprenticeship.

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Abbey Lacey

AAT Apprentice - combining work and study

Meet Abby Lacey. She’s 42, and an Office Manager for Thames Valley Berkshire LEP Ltd. A recent AAT Apprentice with Kaplan, she’s now looking to progress to Level 7.


Bronnie Clarke

CIMA Strategic Case Study - Exam Tips

Bronwyn Clarke came 1st in the world for the CIMA Strategic case study. Following this fantastic result, we seized the opportunity to ask her one simple question ‘How?’.


Portrait of a young student

Apprenticeships are for everyone

Apprentice, Haider Ali, won the Rising Star Award at the WorldSkills UK Diversity & Inclusion Heroes Event, and he’s passionate about improving inclusivity. This is his story.
