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We care about our student well-being - survey results

Group of two female and one male learner, stood together talking over hot drinks

In our Mental Health Awareness Week roundup blog, we referenced our student well-being survey. Well, the results are in so we thought we’d share them with you.

The survey was timed to coincide with Mental Health Awareness week (10 - 14th May) and covered current mental health, coping strategies, Kaplan’s role in supporting our students, and confidence post lockdown.

2020 survey

We knew that in our 2020 survey, 45% of our students reported that their mental health had declined as a result of the Pandemic. The survey was sent to a random selection of students based on responses to the question:

To what extent do you agree with the following statement: My mental health has declined over the past year

The survey went out to 2346 students and had a 16% response rate.

374 students responded to the seven questions that we posed. We also used this opportunity to inform learners about a series of well-being seminars that we are running throughout May, June and July with experts Mindset Pro.

2021 survey

The more recent survey revealed that those who responded claimed that their mental health had improved by 5% since the annual survey in Dec 2020. However 22.5% of students still rated this as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’.

‘Exercise’, ‘friends and family’, ‘sleep’ and ‘routine’ were regarded as the most beneficial coping strategies. The students who felt their mental health had declined were more likely to have found a coping strategy beneficial.

Around half of students did not expect Kaplan to play any role in supporting their well-being, however 40% would expect this if requested. A minority expected Kaplan to play a proactive role and this was higher for those who felt that their mental health had declined.

Talent Coaches, Tutors and the student well-being page would be the most popular first choices of contact for those looking for support. 37.9% rated Kaplan’s well-being support as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ throughout Covid.

Back in the classroom

47.6% of our students felt confident or very confident about returning to the classroom. 56.2% felt confident or very confident about returning to work/hybrid working.

Students who felt that their mental health did not decline are more confident about returning to the classroom and to working in an office. But the students who felt that their mental health had declined said they are less confident in returning to both.

For further information about how Kaplan supports student well-being, please visit our student well-being page or ask your talent coach or tutor about our microsites.

Kaplan supports learner well-being

Find out more
An image of Sarah Powell

Written by Sarah Powell

Sarah has a Masters in Education and has been involved in training for nearly 30 years. In almost 20 years at Kaplan, she has held several roles and initiatives, including promoting learner well-being and EDI (equality, diversity, and inclusion).

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We care about our student well-being - survey results

Group of two female and one male learner, stood together talking over hot drinks

In our Mental Health Awareness Week roundup blog, we referenced our student well-being survey. Well, the results are in so we thought we’d share them with you.

The survey was timed to coincide with Mental Health Awareness week (10 - 14th May) and covered current mental health, coping strategies, Kaplan’s role in supporting our students, and confidence post lockdown.

2020 survey

We knew that in our 2020 survey, 45% of our students reported that their mental health had declined as a result of the Pandemic. The survey was sent to a random selection of students based on responses to the question:

To what extent do you agree with the following statement: My mental health has declined over the past year

The survey went out to 2346 students and had a 16% response rate.

374 students responded to the seven questions that we posed. We also used this opportunity to inform learners about a series of well-being seminars that we are running throughout May, June and July with experts Mindset Pro.

2021 survey

The more recent survey revealed that those who responded claimed that their mental health had improved by 5% since the annual survey in Dec 2020. However 22.5% of students still rated this as ‘poor’ or ‘very poor’.

‘Exercise’, ‘friends and family’, ‘sleep’ and ‘routine’ were regarded as the most beneficial coping strategies. The students who felt their mental health had declined were more likely to have found a coping strategy beneficial.

Around half of students did not expect Kaplan to play any role in supporting their well-being, however 40% would expect this if requested. A minority expected Kaplan to play a proactive role and this was higher for those who felt that their mental health had declined.

Talent Coaches, Tutors and the student well-being page would be the most popular first choices of contact for those looking for support. 37.9% rated Kaplan’s well-being support as ‘good’ or ‘very good’ throughout Covid.

Back in the classroom

47.6% of our students felt confident or very confident about returning to the classroom. 56.2% felt confident or very confident about returning to work/hybrid working.

Students who felt that their mental health did not decline are more confident about returning to the classroom and to working in an office. But the students who felt that their mental health had declined said they are less confident in returning to both.

For further information about how Kaplan supports student well-being, please visit our student well-being page or ask your talent coach or tutor about our microsites.

Kaplan supports learner well-being

Find out more
An image of Sarah Powell

Written by Sarah Powell

Sarah has a Masters in Education and has been involved in training for nearly 30 years. In almost 20 years at Kaplan, she has held several roles and initiatives, including promoting learner well-being and EDI (equality, diversity, and inclusion).

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