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Articles tagged

Career and Personal Development

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A globe in someone’s hand

Where is AAT recognised?

AAT is one of the most popular accounting qualifications, but did you know that it’s also recognised around the world?


Student lying on a bed with head in a book

What to do after ACCA

There are numerous options that open up to you after completing the ACCA course, but where should you start?


Sign post with many different directions

At which level should I start studying AAT?

You don’t need any previous qualifications or accountancy experience to begin studying AAT. And anyone, from school leavers to career changers, can start the qualification.


Graphic of hands at work, shaking hands, writing, using computers.

How does CPD work for ACCA?

Every ACCA member has to complete continuing professional development, every year, to keep up with learning and progress in their career.


woman sat at a desk using a laptop

What Grades Do I Need to Start Accountancy?

What myths do you believe about accountancy? When we surveyed accountants across the UK, one of the biggest misconceptions was about qualifications and grades. Almost 1 in 4 didn’t think they had the right qualifications before they made th...
