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Articles tagged

Finance job profiles

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Joe Fisher on Learn Better Podcast

Uncovering the world of money laundering

This episode of our Learn Better podcast features guest, Joe Fisher, who reveals all about his career as a Money Laundering Reporting Officer.

Kaplan · 5 minute read

Person with piles of coins in increasing amounts

What are the highest paying jobs in the UK?

It’s no surprise that a good salary is enough to make or break our decision when accepting or applying for job roles. Here is a list of some of the highest paying jobs in the UK (2023) and how you can get one.


Man and woman shaking hands in front of solar panels

Careers in ESG Investing

Are you interested in making a difference with your career while also earning a good living? If so, you may want to consider ESG investing.


Corporate man in a suit

How to become a CFO

If you’re aspiring to become a CFO, what exactly is it, and what do you need to do?


Calculator and pen on a desk

How to become a credit controller

Credit management is applicable to all sectors and industries across the UK and worldwide. Here’s an overview of this particular career.


How to become an auditor

Your guide to starting out in Auditing

Auditors are responsible for scrutinising the accounts, processes and procedures of a business. They spend their working hours poring over financial statements, inspecting accounts and making sure the business is following the correct accou...
