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ACCA exams - what to do if you fail

Four people at work

ACCA exams are tough. If you're working towards your ACCA qualification, you already know it takes real dedication and effort to pass each module—which is why success feels so rewarding.

But after all those late nights, weeks of preparation, and endless practice questions, it’s crushing when the results don’t go your way.

Whether you’ve sat the same exam multiple times, switched between subjects trying to find your confidence, or missed the passing mark by just a few points, many others are in the same situation and wondering what to do next.

We’re here to help. But first, let’s figure out what kind of ACCA learner you are…

Which of the following statements applies to you the most?

You may have attempted an exam more than once but those last few marks make the difference between a pass and a fail result. Don’t worry, there are ways we can help you get back on track.

If you’re failing an exam and moving straight on to another subject, it can feel like you’re trying your best but seeing no result. We can help you find stability in your studies and move through the modules one at a time.

Passing one exam and then failing the next can feel like you’re moving forward at a slow pace or even like you’re not moving forward at all. Not to worry - we’ll help to rebuild your confidence and remember your achievements so far.

It’s incredibly frustrating when you’re studying the same module again and again but failing the exam each time you sit it. We can help you amend how you’re preparing for the exam and get the most out of your resources.

If you’re new to Kaplan

If it’s your first time studying with us, welcome to Kaplan! We’ll be able to support you as you work through your ACCA qualification. Before you read on, it’s worth familiarising yourself with the ‘MyKaplan’ platform, as we’ll be referencing it often.

In a nutshell, MyKaplan is the hub for all your online course content - including our ‘contact a tutor’ tool. You’ll be provided with a login after enrolling onto an available course.

“I’m so close to passing my exam, but I keep missing those last few marks.”

Firstly, take a second to appreciate your determination to master this module. It’s a skill in itself to pick yourself up and keep going after failing an exam. And, although it may be difficult to believe right now, each attempt is bringing you closer to success and shaping you into a resilient professional.

Use these setbacks as an opportunity to refine your approach when you go into the next exam.

Exam day tip

Familiarity can be your strength. You’ve sat this exam before, so use your experience to your advantage. Pay particular attention to topics and areas where you’ve lost marks.

After you’ve failed an exam, you can find valuable examiner reports on the ACCA website which will transform how you approach every subject. The feedback offers insights into what the markers are looking for, which will help you fine-tune your strategy.

How we can support you

ACCA exam feedback

If you’re marginally failing an exam in the Applied Skills level of ACCA, you may be able to find your ‘My Exam Performance’ report through your MyACCA. This can give you a clear idea of what exactly went wrong in the exam.

With your feedback from ACCA, spend more time learning and practising questions similar to the ones you’ve struggled with.

Kaplan Academic Support team

Once we are notified of your ACCA exam result, our Academic Support team will often proactively contact you, or you’ll receive a results support email encouraging you to book a call with our tutors. Our Academic Support team can analyse your exam performance and guide you further in finding key areas of improvement. With targeted effort, you can turn things around.

If you’ve failed your exam and have to wait for the next exam window, take a short break, gather your thoughts and motivation, and get straight back into your studies. Make sure that you rebook your exam resit as soon as you can - the longer you wait, the more content you’ll forget, and you’ll become less motivated to book the exam again.

“I’ve sat several exam subjects but still keep failing.”

Well, you’re certainly resilient! But sticking with a subject that you’ve recently studied for and attempted will allow you to build on your existing knowledge and close any gaps that were there during your exam.

When you’re feeling down after failing an exam, starting a new module might temporarily feel better. However, you’re just delaying the inevitable, and jumping from subject to subject is likely hindering your progression.

Exam day tip

In your case, consistency is key. It’s a better idea to resit an exam you’ve failed rather than skip it - your knowledge will only get stronger the more you practise.

Keep going and you’ll reap the rewards. When preparing for exam day, give yourself the best shot by revisiting your study techniques and exam strategy when answering the questions.

Take some time to assess which areas you’re struggling with - is it a technical knowledge gap on a specific challenging syllabus area, or a skills gap such as writing your answer clearly to convey your understanding? Make sure you’re not rushing through your revision by building a strong foundation of knowledge. When you enter the exam room, you want to feel like you can handle whatever questions are asked.

How we can support you

Kaplan’s Academic Support team and progression advisors

There are plenty of resources such as exam kits, mock exams, our Academic Support team, and all other resources on your MyKaplan. Reach out to the tutors through your MyKaplan and let them know which areas require more guidance. The team may also put you in touch with a progression advisor who can help keep you on track and create a study plan with you.

MyKaplan resources

As well as access to expert tutors, consolidation tests, and progress tests, MyKaplan offers plenty of resources to help you achieve success. Regular practice questions, mock exams, and dedicating the time to your revision will offer you the structure and stability you need to move forward. And if you fail, don’t feel too disappointed - it’s still a learning curve that will make you stronger on the other side.

“I’m putting in the effort but only passing some exams the first time.”

Making slow progress can feel like two steps forward, and one step back. It’s very easy to get frustrated when it seems like everyone around you is moving faster, but don’t discount the fact that you are moving forward.

It’s likely you’ve heard this plenty of times, but everyone has their own timeline. It may feel like your peers are flying through the ACCA modules, but you’ll get there if you don’t give up. Progress isn’t always measured in leaps - sometimes, it’s the steady, incremental steps that count the most.

Exam day tip

Rule number one: celebrate the small wins. Every marginal pass is still a pass, and every failure is another lesson learned. On exam day, stay focused on what you’ve achieved so far, and not on what you haven’t. Break down the exam into manageable chunks and approach every question methodically.

Maintain a consistent exam schedule by taking four exams per year. ACCA exam sessions run every year in March, June, September, and December. You can maintain a consistent exam schedule by sitting two exam subjects every other session, or one exam every session. For on demand exams, adhering to the same four exam sittings per year structure will be beneficial.

Missing an exam session can disrupt your study routine and cause you to lose momentum. With the right support, ensuring you’re sitting an exam every session can be a powerful strategy to build on your knowledge and experience.

How we can support you

We have such a robust network of support designed to help you tackle each challenge, that just knowing where to go can make a huge difference. Whether it’s personalised academic support or comprehensive study materials - you can find the resources you need with us.

Assess your study options

If you keep failing exams, it’s possible that your chosen study method isn’t what’s best for you when it comes to the more difficult topics. The four study methods we offer are classroom, Live Online, OnDemand, and Distance Learning.

Tutor-led classroom and interactive live lectures

If you choose to study via classroom, you’ll attend one of our Kaplan centres and be taught the content by one of our expert tutors. This is great if you concentrate and learn better in a collaborative environment where you can ask questions straight away to your tutor.

Similarly, we also have the Live Online study method, which is the same approach but via online lectures. The online classes are also recorded for you to watch back at your leisure in case you can’t make it to a session or need to rewatch while revising.

Independent online learning

OnDemand and Distance Learning are much more independent study methods. They are online so you can study at your own pace, yet you can still access tutor support via the ‘contact a tutor’ option on your MyKaplan. This might be better if you struggle to learn at the same pace as other learners, you’d struggle to commit to tutor-led timetables, or you’d just rather study on your own.

The materials are still available to help you succeed, but the award-winning OnDemand method features a variety of different learning media which is designed by expert learning designers to ensure a more interactive study experience.

Browse through the study options that are available to ensure that you can structure your study in a way that makes progress more manageable. You don’t have to commit to one study method for every module - mix and match if that’s what you prefer!

“No matter how many times I sit the exam, I just can’t pass!”

You’ve shown incredible perseverance and resilience, but we understand that facing the continuous failure of exams is emotionally draining, and it might be time to reflect on whether your current approach is working for you.

Exam day tip

On the day of your exam, your mindset can be just as important as your preparation. On the morning of your exam, try to clear your head. Drink water, eat breakfast, go on a walk, take deep breaths, and listen to calming music or a motivational podcast.

When your exam begins, remind yourself that this is another chance to move forward. Use all of the feedback you’ve received in the past and apply it to the exam.

How we can support you

Resilience is the key to success, so although you may feel like you’re not getting anywhere, you are.

Emotional and well-being support

If the emotional weight of failing an exam affects your motivation, make sure you reach out for help. You can contact ACCA for mental health and well-being support. As well as this, we have several resources here at Kaplan, as well as people you can talk to. Remember to always prioritise your health above anything else.

Academic support

It’s likely you need to refine your study plan and approach your exam in a different way. Review your ‘My Exam Performance’ via your MyACCA if this is available, and use this to reach out to our Academic Support team through the ‘contact a tutor’ option on your MyKaplan. They can assess your feedback and speak to you about any areas you’ve noticed you struggle with. They’ll be able to go through other ways to understand it and help you pick up those points.

If you’re really struggling, it might be worth studying the content again rather than just trying to revise the trickier topics. There may be something you’re missing, so use all of your MyKaplan resources, complete any practice questions and available mock exams, and try from the beginning - you’ll be surprised at how much it could help.

Practical support to get you through exam day

Beyond personal reflection and mental preparation, there are some essential practical steps for you to keep in mind to ensure you’re set up for success on the day:

  • Check your equipment - have a look over what you can and can’t bring into the exam, and contact our Student Services team at if you have a specific question. We’d advise you to bring whatever you’re allowed to bring into the exam just so you know you have everything you need.
  • Know your exam venue - if you’ve never been to your chosen Kaplan centre before, make sure you know exactly where it is before exam day - you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to forget the logistics of the exam due to nerves. Arrive early so you have time to calm down and get into ‘exam mode’ before it starts.
  • Remote exams - if you’re sitting a remote computer-based exam, try your best to limit any disruptions. Clear your desk, check your internet connection, and make sure your environment is exam-condition-friendly to give you the best chance of remaining focused.
  • Stay hydrated and eat properly - again, nerves can make you forget to take care of your body. Your brain needs fuel, so have a balanced meal before your exam. Look into some of the best brain food ideas to ensure your mind is ready for the exam. Try to bring your own water bottle if you’re sitting your exam at a Kaplan centre. We have water coolers available to refill.

Additional expert advice

While you’re preparing for your exam, remember to take the time to read more of our exam and study tips, including the following blogs that could significantly help:

Post-exam support: what if the exam still doesn’t go to plan?

If you don’t achieve the result that you’re hoping for, remember it isn’t the end of your journey. Both ourselves at Kaplan and the institute, ACCA, offer a range of post-exam support services, including:

  • Resit guidance - reach out to us via our Student Services team at for resit advice, guidance, and information. You may be entitled to our pass guarantee as long as you have followed the requirements.
  • Support from your peers - engage with fellow ACCA learners via forums and study groups. Contact ACCA to find out if they have any additional resources where you can find others in a similar position. Even speaking to your colleagues at work who have the ACCA qualification can feel incredibly reassuring.
  • Take a short break - sometimes stepping back for a little while can give you the space to regroup. Don’t stop your studies, but perhaps it’s worth taking a week to regather your thoughts and energy and prepare to give it another go.

Next steps

Whether you’re repeating the same exam, trying a new subject, or making marginal progress - what matters is that you are progressing, even if you don’t realise it. Surround yourself with the right tools, support, and practical resources and you will achieve your goals.

The journey may be tough but with resilience, success is within reach. To get that one step closer, browse through all the ways you can study your ACCA qualification with us at Kaplan.

You can also contact our Student Services team at to find more information about how we can help you get back on track.

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ACCA exams - what to do if you fail

Four people at work

ACCA exams are tough. If you're working towards your ACCA qualification, you already know it takes real dedication and effort to pass each module—which is why success feels so rewarding.

But after all those late nights, weeks of preparation, and endless practice questions, it’s crushing when the results don’t go your way.

Whether you’ve sat the same exam multiple times, switched between subjects trying to find your confidence, or missed the passing mark by just a few points, many others are in the same situation and wondering what to do next.

We’re here to help. But first, let’s figure out what kind of ACCA learner you are…

Which of the following statements applies to you the most?

You may have attempted an exam more than once but those last few marks make the difference between a pass and a fail result. Don’t worry, there are ways we can help you get back on track.

If you’re failing an exam and moving straight on to another subject, it can feel like you’re trying your best but seeing no result. We can help you find stability in your studies and move through the modules one at a time.

Passing one exam and then failing the next can feel like you’re moving forward at a slow pace or even like you’re not moving forward at all. Not to worry - we’ll help to rebuild your confidence and remember your achievements so far.

It’s incredibly frustrating when you’re studying the same module again and again but failing the exam each time you sit it. We can help you amend how you’re preparing for the exam and get the most out of your resources.

If you’re new to Kaplan

If it’s your first time studying with us, welcome to Kaplan! We’ll be able to support you as you work through your ACCA qualification. Before you read on, it’s worth familiarising yourself with the ‘MyKaplan’ platform, as we’ll be referencing it often.

In a nutshell, MyKaplan is the hub for all your online course content - including our ‘contact a tutor’ tool. You’ll be provided with a login after enrolling onto an available course.

“I’m so close to passing my exam, but I keep missing those last few marks.”

Firstly, take a second to appreciate your determination to master this module. It’s a skill in itself to pick yourself up and keep going after failing an exam. And, although it may be difficult to believe right now, each attempt is bringing you closer to success and shaping you into a resilient professional.

Use these setbacks as an opportunity to refine your approach when you go into the next exam.

Exam day tip

Familiarity can be your strength. You’ve sat this exam before, so use your experience to your advantage. Pay particular attention to topics and areas where you’ve lost marks.

After you’ve failed an exam, you can find valuable examiner reports on the ACCA website which will transform how you approach every subject. The feedback offers insights into what the markers are looking for, which will help you fine-tune your strategy.

How we can support you

ACCA exam feedback

If you’re marginally failing an exam in the Applied Skills level of ACCA, you may be able to find your ‘My Exam Performance’ report through your MyACCA. This can give you a clear idea of what exactly went wrong in the exam.

With your feedback from ACCA, spend more time learning and practising questions similar to the ones you’ve struggled with.

Kaplan Academic Support team

Once we are notified of your ACCA exam result, our Academic Support team will often proactively contact you, or you’ll receive a results support email encouraging you to book a call with our tutors. Our Academic Support team can analyse your exam performance and guide you further in finding key areas of improvement. With targeted effort, you can turn things around.

If you’ve failed your exam and have to wait for the next exam window, take a short break, gather your thoughts and motivation, and get straight back into your studies. Make sure that you rebook your exam resit as soon as you can - the longer you wait, the more content you’ll forget, and you’ll become less motivated to book the exam again.

“I’ve sat several exam subjects but still keep failing.”

Well, you’re certainly resilient! But sticking with a subject that you’ve recently studied for and attempted will allow you to build on your existing knowledge and close any gaps that were there during your exam.

When you’re feeling down after failing an exam, starting a new module might temporarily feel better. However, you’re just delaying the inevitable, and jumping from subject to subject is likely hindering your progression.

Exam day tip

In your case, consistency is key. It’s a better idea to resit an exam you’ve failed rather than skip it - your knowledge will only get stronger the more you practise.

Keep going and you’ll reap the rewards. When preparing for exam day, give yourself the best shot by revisiting your study techniques and exam strategy when answering the questions.

Take some time to assess which areas you’re struggling with - is it a technical knowledge gap on a specific challenging syllabus area, or a skills gap such as writing your answer clearly to convey your understanding? Make sure you’re not rushing through your revision by building a strong foundation of knowledge. When you enter the exam room, you want to feel like you can handle whatever questions are asked.

How we can support you

Kaplan’s Academic Support team and progression advisors

There are plenty of resources such as exam kits, mock exams, our Academic Support team, and all other resources on your MyKaplan. Reach out to the tutors through your MyKaplan and let them know which areas require more guidance. The team may also put you in touch with a progression advisor who can help keep you on track and create a study plan with you.

MyKaplan resources

As well as access to expert tutors, consolidation tests, and progress tests, MyKaplan offers plenty of resources to help you achieve success. Regular practice questions, mock exams, and dedicating the time to your revision will offer you the structure and stability you need to move forward. And if you fail, don’t feel too disappointed - it’s still a learning curve that will make you stronger on the other side.

“I’m putting in the effort but only passing some exams the first time.”

Making slow progress can feel like two steps forward, and one step back. It’s very easy to get frustrated when it seems like everyone around you is moving faster, but don’t discount the fact that you are moving forward.

It’s likely you’ve heard this plenty of times, but everyone has their own timeline. It may feel like your peers are flying through the ACCA modules, but you’ll get there if you don’t give up. Progress isn’t always measured in leaps - sometimes, it’s the steady, incremental steps that count the most.

Exam day tip

Rule number one: celebrate the small wins. Every marginal pass is still a pass, and every failure is another lesson learned. On exam day, stay focused on what you’ve achieved so far, and not on what you haven’t. Break down the exam into manageable chunks and approach every question methodically.

Maintain a consistent exam schedule by taking four exams per year. ACCA exam sessions run every year in March, June, September, and December. You can maintain a consistent exam schedule by sitting two exam subjects every other session, or one exam every session. For on demand exams, adhering to the same four exam sittings per year structure will be beneficial.

Missing an exam session can disrupt your study routine and cause you to lose momentum. With the right support, ensuring you’re sitting an exam every session can be a powerful strategy to build on your knowledge and experience.

How we can support you

We have such a robust network of support designed to help you tackle each challenge, that just knowing where to go can make a huge difference. Whether it’s personalised academic support or comprehensive study materials - you can find the resources you need with us.

Assess your study options

If you keep failing exams, it’s possible that your chosen study method isn’t what’s best for you when it comes to the more difficult topics. The four study methods we offer are classroom, Live Online, OnDemand, and Distance Learning.

Tutor-led classroom and interactive live lectures

If you choose to study via classroom, you’ll attend one of our Kaplan centres and be taught the content by one of our expert tutors. This is great if you concentrate and learn better in a collaborative environment where you can ask questions straight away to your tutor.

Similarly, we also have the Live Online study method, which is the same approach but via online lectures. The online classes are also recorded for you to watch back at your leisure in case you can’t make it to a session or need to rewatch while revising.

Independent online learning

OnDemand and Distance Learning are much more independent study methods. They are online so you can study at your own pace, yet you can still access tutor support via the ‘contact a tutor’ option on your MyKaplan. This might be better if you struggle to learn at the same pace as other learners, you’d struggle to commit to tutor-led timetables, or you’d just rather study on your own.

The materials are still available to help you succeed, but the award-winning OnDemand method features a variety of different learning media which is designed by expert learning designers to ensure a more interactive study experience.

Browse through the study options that are available to ensure that you can structure your study in a way that makes progress more manageable. You don’t have to commit to one study method for every module - mix and match if that’s what you prefer!

“No matter how many times I sit the exam, I just can’t pass!”

You’ve shown incredible perseverance and resilience, but we understand that facing the continuous failure of exams is emotionally draining, and it might be time to reflect on whether your current approach is working for you.

Exam day tip

On the day of your exam, your mindset can be just as important as your preparation. On the morning of your exam, try to clear your head. Drink water, eat breakfast, go on a walk, take deep breaths, and listen to calming music or a motivational podcast.

When your exam begins, remind yourself that this is another chance to move forward. Use all of the feedback you’ve received in the past and apply it to the exam.

How we can support you

Resilience is the key to success, so although you may feel like you’re not getting anywhere, you are.

Emotional and well-being support

If the emotional weight of failing an exam affects your motivation, make sure you reach out for help. You can contact ACCA for mental health and well-being support. As well as this, we have several resources here at Kaplan, as well as people you can talk to. Remember to always prioritise your health above anything else.

Academic support

It’s likely you need to refine your study plan and approach your exam in a different way. Review your ‘My Exam Performance’ via your MyACCA if this is available, and use this to reach out to our Academic Support team through the ‘contact a tutor’ option on your MyKaplan. They can assess your feedback and speak to you about any areas you’ve noticed you struggle with. They’ll be able to go through other ways to understand it and help you pick up those points.

If you’re really struggling, it might be worth studying the content again rather than just trying to revise the trickier topics. There may be something you’re missing, so use all of your MyKaplan resources, complete any practice questions and available mock exams, and try from the beginning - you’ll be surprised at how much it could help.

Practical support to get you through exam day

Beyond personal reflection and mental preparation, there are some essential practical steps for you to keep in mind to ensure you’re set up for success on the day:

  • Check your equipment - have a look over what you can and can’t bring into the exam, and contact our Student Services team at if you have a specific question. We’d advise you to bring whatever you’re allowed to bring into the exam just so you know you have everything you need.
  • Know your exam venue - if you’ve never been to your chosen Kaplan centre before, make sure you know exactly where it is before exam day - you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to forget the logistics of the exam due to nerves. Arrive early so you have time to calm down and get into ‘exam mode’ before it starts.
  • Remote exams - if you’re sitting a remote computer-based exam, try your best to limit any disruptions. Clear your desk, check your internet connection, and make sure your environment is exam-condition-friendly to give you the best chance of remaining focused.
  • Stay hydrated and eat properly - again, nerves can make you forget to take care of your body. Your brain needs fuel, so have a balanced meal before your exam. Look into some of the best brain food ideas to ensure your mind is ready for the exam. Try to bring your own water bottle if you’re sitting your exam at a Kaplan centre. We have water coolers available to refill.

Additional expert advice

While you’re preparing for your exam, remember to take the time to read more of our exam and study tips, including the following blogs that could significantly help:

Post-exam support: what if the exam still doesn’t go to plan?

If you don’t achieve the result that you’re hoping for, remember it isn’t the end of your journey. Both ourselves at Kaplan and the institute, ACCA, offer a range of post-exam support services, including:

  • Resit guidance - reach out to us via our Student Services team at for resit advice, guidance, and information. You may be entitled to our pass guarantee as long as you have followed the requirements.
  • Support from your peers - engage with fellow ACCA learners via forums and study groups. Contact ACCA to find out if they have any additional resources where you can find others in a similar position. Even speaking to your colleagues at work who have the ACCA qualification can feel incredibly reassuring.
  • Take a short break - sometimes stepping back for a little while can give you the space to regroup. Don’t stop your studies, but perhaps it’s worth taking a week to regather your thoughts and energy and prepare to give it another go.

Next steps

Whether you’re repeating the same exam, trying a new subject, or making marginal progress - what matters is that you are progressing, even if you don’t realise it. Surround yourself with the right tools, support, and practical resources and you will achieve your goals.

The journey may be tough but with resilience, success is within reach. To get that one step closer, browse through all the ways you can study your ACCA qualification with us at Kaplan.

You can also contact our Student Services team at to find more information about how we can help you get back on track.

More pathways than other providers

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