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Why learning facts is still important

Find out why learning facts is still important in this internet age.

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Top FRM study tips

But don’t worry, we have some hints and tips to help you with this course.


Kaplan AQ2016 Syllabus

What is an AAT synoptic assessment?

Under AQ2016 you need to complete a new synoptic assessment before moving on to your next level. A synoptic assessment tests the knowledge you have gained throughout the level...


Rebecca Evans & Stuart Pedley-Smith

Meet our Kaplan tutors

At Kaplan, we pride ourselves on having some of the best tutors in the industry. We know tutors play a vital role in improving your learning experience - whether that’s teaching in the classroom, teaching in-front of a camera, or being avai...


digital display

24 - hours before the exam

Jack Bauer often only had 24 hours to save Los Angeles from a major terrorist attack. What he managed to achieve in such a short period of time was impressive, and although he suffered pain and personal injury he maximised the time he had, ...

Stuart Pedley-Smith ·

Sign post with many different directions

At which level should I start studying AAT?

You don’t need any previous qualifications or accountancy experience to begin studying AAT. And anyone, from school leavers to career changers, can start the qualification.


Exam books and a pen

6 tips on how to be more effective after a long study break

It’s quite common to take a well earned (and sometimes long) break from your studies. But it can mean your well rehearsed techniques – and the topics you once knew inside out – become a distant memory. Take a look at these top tips from Kapla…
